When I first found that my Thomas Carter married an Elender I searched to
determine who this Elender could be. After much speculation, Sarah Freedberg's
posting led to learning that she was Eleanor Prater. Gary Benton Prather has an
extensive website with info re the famiily line going back many generations.
Subsequently, I became aware that Thomas's brother William also married a
Prater, Mary Eleanor. I learned that this Mary was Eleanor’s cousin. I got with
Dorothy Allen, who lives a few miles away, to discuss the Prather-Carter
connections and determine if she could shed any light on the William Carter/Mary
Prater family. Dorothy had contributed to a Prater book series and was most
knowledgeable. I particularly wanted to discuss any info she might have re
William Carter's death; she had nothing. Dorothy had not heard the story about a
Carter who returned home after the CW and was shot (our presumption is that it
was William who was shot). But, she gave me some leads re who Mary remarried
after the death of William (an Emmett) and did loan me her books for a few days.
I ultimately did find an 1880 census believed to be for Mary Prater; a Mary
Emmett as the wife of Leander with her eldest child shown on the census as being
One of the books that I borrowed from Dorothy Allen had a fascinating section on
early writings and the difficulty in reading or deciphering the written script.
First, it is almost impossible to recognize or identify the latin letters. Then
since there was no standardized spelling for words, it was only a guess as to
what the word might be. For example, the same word was spelled differently in
the same document. And then even if one could assign words to the scrawl, the
actually meaning was a guess because of the archaic meaning that the words had
or how the words were used. A few sections from the book are appended as an